Purse Sized Booklets

This area of donnayoung.org features a few small booklets. The finished booklets measure approximately 2 3/4 inches by 4 inches. If you look at the menu above you will see page titles Dots and Blue Lines. These two booklet styles are made from MS Word files and you may customize them if you have MS Word. The next three links in the menu, Background Picture, Page Sequence, and Instructions are information pages that attempt to assist you in customizing and assembling your booklet. The last two links, DY.org Booklet and Calendar are PDF booklets which are opened, printed, and assembled.

Purse Size Calendar Booklet

The 2023 Purse Size Calendar Booklet is uploaded and may be printed. This calendar requires the YoungMinds subscription.

Pictured: Booklet #2

This is the second booklet that I made. The first one was the proto-type "dots." The booklet shown below measures approximately 2.75 x 4 inches and has 30 pages. It was printed on two sheets of paper and all of the instructions in this section are based on printing the booklets on two sheets of paper.

I am not sure why anyone would make one of these booklets when they can drive to their nearest office supply and get something superior.booklet I can think of several reasons why a person would want to make one.

  • 1. Is crafty with computer skills
  • 2. Likes paper
  • 3. Feels compelled by above reasons
  • 4. Wants to put their pet on the cover
  • 5. Wants to put their name and their kids on cover
  • 6. Just wants to
  • 7. Is like me
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Sock Doll: Bunny
Sock Doll: Bunny

Donna Young

Donna's Dated Blank Calendar

You are at DonnaYoung.org, online since 1998. Thank you for visiting my website. Donna Young

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