Using Free Fonts for Handwriting Practice

I am occasionally asked about the handwriting worksheets that I offer at The most common questions are:

The answers are below.

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I am currently working on this website to add to its ginormousness. Thank you for visiting, and please subscribe yearly to access my many printable files! Donna Young
May 13, 2021

How did I make the worksheets?

I made most of the handwriting worksheets with Paint Shop Pro 6, which is an old program by now and no longer available. Big Cursive was made with a word processor. If you want to make worksheets with a word processor see these two articles at Homemade Manuscript Handwriting Lessons and Homemade Cursive Handwriting Lessons


What font did I use?

I used Print Clearly, Precursive, Learning Curve (the old one that is not shown here), and SchoolScriptdashed. On each font page, I will link the font related handwriting worksheets. If there are no pages listed, then I did not use that font to make worksheets for


Where can I download the font?

This question prompted me to provide the information here. The links to fonts are provided on the font pages that I have added. Links sometimes get broken. If one of the font links becomes broken, please use a search engine using the font name to locate the link. You may also notify me of the broken link so that I can fix it.



Composition Book Handwriting Lessons
Homemade Manuscript Handwriting Lessons
Homemade Cursive Handwriting Lessons

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