Edit: 12/31/11- It’s time to think about gardening again.
Original Post:
Last January 2009, my calendar told me to plan my garden this weekend. I dug out my handy dandy Clyde’s Vegetable Planting Slide Chart to see when I would really have to plan the garden. I used the average last frost date of this part of the USA that I live in to slide over the planting dates on Clyde’s Vegetable Planting Slide Chart. I saw that I need to plan my garden soon. Onions could be set out mid-February.
Where can you get a handy dandy Clyde’s Vegetable Planting Slide Chart? Why, at the Clyde’s Vegetable Planting Slide Chart website of course at …
Revisiting Clyde’s Vegetable Planting Slide Chart
This post originally published 2009
Elaine says
Donna, you are so good to us to provide this info. Now I need to go and look up what the average frost date is for us. I know it is much sooner than yours. I still to research green houses so that I can show hubby what I would like to have and then we can plan out how to build such a thing.
DY says
Why, Thank you Elaine! 😀 I did not even mention that this Planting Slide Chart is made by a homeschooling family of 8. 🙂
Yes, you need to research the greenhouse. I`ve always wanted one and when you get one, I can do that thing that people say they do — “Live vicariously through you”
Michelle says
I do not think we are going to have a garden this year. Hubby was not happy that we spent a lot on the garden and did not get much out of it.
Elaine says
Donna, I have been learning, through the experience of others up here, that if you want to have a successful garden you either need lots of space (do not have) or a green house (more likely to get). Since I really want to grow tomatoes I should have a green house for them that will provide the heat that they need to do well, especially if we have a similar summer in 09 as we did in 08.
Donna Young says
Elaine have you been to the Alaska Cooperative Extension website? They have some publications that might be helpful. Below is a direct link to the home gardening section.
Donna Young says
Gardens are time consuming too. It takes a bit of both hard work and money to get them established.
I hope to plant a spring and summer garden this year. I think I must be nuts over gardening because I do all of the work, even all of the putting away. I have help eating it though. 😛 That is okay though.
Applie says
sigh I give up on gardening. Not enough sun.
Donna Young says