This must have been the year of the cardinals in my backyard. On my frequent trips in my backyard to do garden work or feed the birds, I occasionally came across a cardinal feather. They accumulated … [Read more...]
Pseudopods of the Monarch Caterpillar
Have you ever wondered what those stubby legs look like up close? I accidentally captured the pseudopods today in a photograph. This is a close-up photograph of the pseudopods on a monarch … [Read more...]
Black Swallowtail Caterpillars
Earlier today I took these photographs in my garden. The caterpillars shown here are, as far as I can tell, Black Swallowtail. The plants they are feeding on is fennel. I don't mind, I got the fennel … [Read more...]
Fork-tailed Bush Katydid
The insect pictured on this page is what seems to be a fork-tailed bush katydid [Scudderia furcata]. It was sitting on a zinnia in my garden on September 24th, 2009. The fork-tailed bush … [Read more...]
Bumblebee and Milkweed
How a Bumblebee Drinks from Milkweed I took this photograph in my garden. … [Read more...]
Goldfinch and Dragonfly
On my way to the garden, I paused to take this photograph of a dragonfly and a goldfinch perched on a tomato cage. They are both looking toward the garden like a couple of hungry hawks surveying … [Read more...]
Strangest Photo in 2008, Argiope
!--Spider Photo Ahead--! Last May, 2008, and under my husbands wishes [orders] I purchased a new camera. He was getting ready for his yearly stress-relieving explosion extravaganza vacation and he … [Read more...]
Eastern Box Turtle
This is an adult male eastern box turtle. They can live a long time in the wild, around 80 years. This one lives in my garden in the spearmint bed. It lived there last year too. He is very careful … [Read more...]
Buckets Of Syrup
Revisiting the Milkweed I don't know why milkweed is not called buckets of syrup. The little flowers look like buckets. Ants climb all over the blooms, even at night! I'm not sure they ever stop! … [Read more...]
Butterfly Face
This is another view of an Eastern Tiger Swallowtail. … [Read more...]
Rabbit and Bunny
My vegetable garden is usually a home to a bunny or two. My large old mint and daylily bed is a sheltered place for a rabbit hutch (or is it a den) and it is next to food. They do not bother the … [Read more...]
Green Dragonfly
I have not investigated what kind of dragonfly that this is. Although this is not a good picture, I was glad to get a picture of it because I haven't seen it since. In the photograph, it is on mint … [Read more...]
Bumblebee in Zucchini Blossom
I was checking for bad bugs when I saw this bumblebee sleeping in a zucchini blossom. There was a bad bug on the blossom too and it moved further into the blossom when it saw me. The bad bug woke up … [Read more...]
Hairstreak on Basil
This photograph is reduced quite a bit to fit on this page. These little hairstreaks will just stand there and let you get this close to take a photograph. Cute how they have fringe on their … [Read more...]
The sun was getting low when I saw these two deer from my backyard. They were in the neighbor's yard. One saw me and one didn't (yet, in the photograph). I've also seen two wild turkey's in my yard … [Read more...]