I'm working in the handwriting > paper section of DY and I test printed a file to get the rule height. Well, it printed black. That is really a terrible thing for me to see. That last thing that I … [Read more...]
52 ZB Cursive Handwriting Lessons
Amid all the ruckus I have managed to eke out a few more cursive handwriting worksheets. I didn't give these a lot of thought, but I did make a formula for the lessons, so maybe I did give them some … [Read more...]
ZB Handwriting Worksheets
Last year just before we had to rip out 500 square feet of floors, wood, etc. in our home, I started working on a new project -- a large handwriting worksheet set. I am calling this set ZB because it … [Read more...]
62 Manuscript Handwriting Animations
DonnaYoung.org has 62 more manuscript handwriting animations. You can see them starting here: ZB Handwriting Animations. Once at the page, please use the links on the right hand side of the page to … [Read more...]
Printing Readiness 2
This is a set of 22 tracing and coloring papers that are aimed at improving fine motor skills. You may print these for your students and children. The files are located at donnayoung.org in the … [Read more...]
Cursive Letter Animations- Set Finished
Cursive Letter Animations - I finished the entire set, which means 41 new files and pages, and they are now online for viewing. I included both ways to make a capital I. All of the letters are there … [Read more...]
D’Nealian like Cursive Handwriting Practice
New to most you handwriting worksheets! The worksheets are a bit like D'Nealian, maybe a lot like D'Nealian. I used a font called precursivenewdashed to make the cursive handwriting practice sheets … [Read more...]
Connecting Cursive Capital Letters
Maybe it is a combination of enough sleep and more than enough coffee, but I have started new work on the cursive handwriting worksheets. Today I made 3 worksheets and a new web page. The purpose of … [Read more...]
Handwriting Fonts
Several times a year, I am asked font related questions. Today, I decided to post information on six different handwriting fonts. The pages are located in the penmanship section of donnayoung.org and … [Read more...]
Redo – Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons
2008 UPDATE: My web site resources for the DISTAR adaption method, Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons have been redone since this blog article. The home page for the 100 Easy Lessons … [Read more...]
Cursive Letter Animations
I'm happy to be able to reintroduce cursive letter animations. Last year I removed all of the animations from my website due to shortages in resources, but now that I have more resources, I have added … [Read more...]
Lined Handwriting Font
Homeschooling moms who visit my handwriting printables often ask me if I know of a cursive font or a program that can be used to make handwriting practice sheets. The question varies, but this is what … [Read more...]