My daughter liked to put signs on her door. For years, close to a decade, she’s had her “Keep Out” sign on her door. She nicknamed herself “HAY the Horrible” a long time ago. HAY is her initials. She’s not horrible, not even close, far from it.
TP in the Living Room
What do you do when the boss suddenly keeps a roll of toilet paper in the living room? I can hear the sane answers.. I could take it out of […]
Styrofoam Lego Complex
Many years ago we bought something that came packed in formed Styrofoam. I can’t remember what it was now, but this is about what we did with the Styrofoam. I […]
Elf Greeting
Tressays is an Elf!
And so am I!
You can be an elf too!
Embroidery for Remembering
First and this has nothing to do with embroidery, but I’d like to introduce you to chapstick man and tomato man (a double cherry tomato). Chapstick man lives on my […]
July-Week 3, 07
This is a busy time of year for me. I expect that I will be busier than normal up until mid-September. I will recount this week briefly along with some […]
Life and Garden
The past two weeks have been busy mainly because of our family boot camp. The schedule is working well and so far getting up in the morning at dark and […]
Family Boot Camp
First, I will define what family boot camp is according to my purposes. Family boot camp is a goal oriented event that lasts for 5 days or more. Boot camp […]
Happy Mother’s Day
Happy Mother’s Day! Note: Image from a scan of the center of a sampler that I made while expecting my first child many years ago. Blessings, Donna Young