A week ago, we were looking for something else when my daughter spotted this gluten free cereal, Honey Nut Chex by General Mills. Of course, I bought two boxes and since then I have bought two more boxes.
My son’s face lit up when we showed him this cereal. It must be good because he just opened box #3.
The plain chex also comes in “gluten-free.” The cereal was located in the cereal aisle instead of the gluten free section. If your grocery store does not carry this product, consider pestering them until they do.
Thanks General Mills.
Michelle says
Sweet! I am going to show this to my friend.
Donna Young says
After posting this, I looked up general mills and found that they introduced this cereal last April. It took the cereal a while to get to our town!
Tressa says
very cool! I am going to show this to my sister! Thanks!
Donna Young says
W-mart carries it, or the one near me does. I got some from there last night. I am pretty sure they did not have it a few months ago when I was searching for gluten-free cereal.
Sheri says
I`ve been noticing a lot of GF products lately. I do not know if it is because of my own increased awareness or whether there are more GF products being produced. I guess it is probably a little of both.