February 01, 08 – Edit: My Free Diplomas will now be available year-round from the High School section of donnayoung.org. The diploma files are – DOC, RTF, PDF, and PDF with Typeable Fields.
To see the different choices, go to
Experimental Diploma
Now for a little experiment: An embedded font typeable pdf diploma form. If you would like to try typing on this thing, then go for it. Download it: Typeable Diploma Form Most likely you WILL be able to type on it, that is not the purpose of this experiment.
The purpose is: Will the specified fonts be present on the document when you don’t have them on your computer?
Please have a look at the image, it shows what the fonts are supposed to look like. Type in the parts of the form which, in the image, are circled in red. If, after typing, the fonts do not look like the ones in the image, then the embedding was not a success. Feel free to comment on your results. Thank you.
Michielle says
very nice Donna, I guess this means i need to get us moving so I can print out one of your diploma’s for the boys 🙂
Melanie says
The experiment was success. I made a diploma for Bubba Joe, who graduated today from the Possum Hollow School for Boys. It was a glorious thing and I thank you.
Only seven more years until I get to make a real one.
Tanya says
I will be needing one of those next year.
Donna Young says
Thank you for testing the file Melanie. 🙂
at your test names.
candi says
I am so glad to see you have a blog! I have been loving your site for a LONG time now. I will put you in my favorites and be back often!! 🙂
~Candi (Homekeeper at Heart)
Renee Peterson says
I just tried it and it worked fine. Very nice.
Sheri says
Tried it on the Mac and it didn’t work here.
Janel says
I tried it just now on Windows XP, IE, and it worked.
Cyndi says
It worked on mine, and it looks very nice!!
juana says
I found that it came out okay but that the font resized itself when I clicked on it to type my child’s name, same thing happened when I put our homeschool name and so I had a shrinking font. Otherwise it came out nice.
Janne says
I just wanted to take the time to thank you for all of the free resources that you offer to homeschoolers. You are a real gem!
Elaine says
Well I haven’t tried the diploma file and I don’t really need to though on second thought maybe I will to say that my son has graduated from junior high. I could do the diploma and have a party for him, maybe make it a surprise.
I’ll try the file later this week, Donna. 🙂
Sarah says
What a wonderful site! Thank you for putting so much effort into it and making homeschooling even more enjoyable. My son will be graduating next year . Keep up the good work
Donna Young says
Hi Valerie 🙂
The font used for the student’s name is ‘Old English Text MT’ and it can be downloaded from this website:
Old English Font
TY says
I need someting with GED but in comparison to what you offer can you assist or point me in the direction I need to take
Tamra van Adelsberg says
Good Morning Donna,
I am so blessed by your site and all the resources here. Thank you!
Could you tell me if you have a general experimental diploma download. We have 13 students graduating from our Co-op and I thought it would be nice to use this program.
Again thank you so much.
Mrs V
Donna Young says
Mrs V at the diploma web page, there is now a typeable PDF file for the Diploma group.
Diploma Forms
TY, I’m sorry, I don’t know where to find something like that.
Thank you for trying out the experimental form. The font embedding seems to works on a IBM machines, but not on MAC and that is possibly due to font types.
Melanie says
That is a nice size garden! I agree that the pictures with your children in them are much more interesting.
I have the square foot gardening book. We used his method in Alaska with very good results, only we had the raised beds because of the poor soil. We used his formula for the “perfect” soil and we couldn`t have been happier with our veggies.
I`ve never heard a hummingbird snort! Thanks for sharing that.
Karl Nelson says
I just tested the form on Mac OS X using both Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Professional and the default program for handling PDF files, Preview 3.0.9. The fonts come through just fine if you use Adobe Acrobat to open the file but not with the program Preview. The current version of Acrobat Reader can be downloaded for free from the Adobe website. Perhaps the person who had problems before can download that program and let us know if the results are any different.
Donna Young says
Hi Cindy, I agree that the punctuation of the diploma is suspect. The diploma is modeled after the one I was given three decades ago and it is punctuated as shown in the one I offer. I ought to look into it further because I sincerely doubt that certificates are above punctuation rules. 😀
Unfortunately, I cannot do anything about the date space. It has to be a set size. On second thought, one fix would involve leaving the entire date line open. I will look into that too.
Thank you, I appreciate your feedback. 🙂
Thea says
Is this a real school?? My kids need some classes for homeschooling so that they can graduate early. But i dont want anything pricey im low on funds but i dont wanna put my kids back in those bad school so if this is real. Please show me how to sign up.
-thanks Donna
Donna Young says
No, this is a homeschool printables/downloads web site. It is just my hobby; it’s not a school.
chronicchick says
I came upon your site from your other site. I was wondering if you have any forms that actually written out for examples : Im a mom that wants to homeschool my 9th grader and have never homeschooled
Someone very thankful says
you’re the greatest!! I looked for two weeks and found your site that gave me what I needed thank you so very much.. If I could I WOULD GIVE YOU A BIG HUG, Thank you.. :blush:
Christina Madiba says
XDDD arnelle!!! yeahh!! says
hi im arnelle and im worried about my caterpillar beace its like not moving and it like brown but its not all the way brown its green still though…. but yeah and it hasnt been eating and well
it not crawing on the tree branch that i gave im…
hmmm do they have to hang while making there cocoon??
just wondering sooo….. yeahh!
and like three day ago it was crawing around and around and yeah hm
hmmm HELPPP!!!! 😥