History and Geography

History is approached differently by different curriculums. Some day I will include some information about that, but for now, I will say this: If your children have to be tested and history is included on the tests, you might need to choose the same path as your local school system, otherwise you will be free to choose how to go about teaching history to your children.

There is not really much here in the history section at this time. I have some reading schedules, printable forms, pictures of presidents, maps, and some book suggestions.

Book Lists

Even though the pages below are described as a schedule for A Child's History of the World, you can still look over the suggested books even if you are not using A Child's History of the World


Click on the book image for reading schedules.

Some Books
Other Popular Books, Some Linked to CBD, Some Linked to Amazon
D`Aulaire Books
US History
ages: 4-11
Genevieve Foster Books
ages 8 and up

D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths Pocahontas
Leif the Lucky
George Washington
Buffalo Bill
Benjamin Franklin
Abraham Lincoln (Bicentennial Edition) -at amazon

Augustus Caesar's World Augustus Caesar's World
The World of Columbus and Sons
The World of Capt. John Smith
George Washington's World
Abraham Lincoln's World

My children and I enjoyed reading the history books published by Christian Liberty Press. We used several of them. Here is a list of the books and a place to shop for them. All of the links go to ChristianBook's online store.

history for little pilgram

Our favorite history text books are published by Bob Jones University Press. These links are for the student text. There is an homeschool packet available if you want the whole set. Linked to CBD

7th: World Studies Grade 7 Student Edition (softcover)

8th: The American Republic Grade 8 Student Edition (softcover)

9th: Heritage Studies Geography Grade 9 Student Text (softcover)

10th: World History Grade 10 Student Book, 3rd Edition

11th: United States History Grade 11--Student Text, Softcover

12th: American Government (Second Edition), Grade 12, Student Text, Softcover
Economics Grade 12--Student Text, Softcover

Printable Schedules


Foundations for Living: Studies in the Christian Worldview

by Alpha Omega Publications
Link to CBD: Foundations for Living: Studies in the Christian Worldview
Schedule: Foundations for Living: Studies in the Christian Worldview

11th grade: American History: BJUP Heritage Studies 11: United States History

Link to CBD: United States History Grade 11--Student Text, Softcover
Schedule: BJU Press United States History for Christian Schools 3rd Edition

12th grade: Government and Economics

Lifepac Government & Economics, Grade 12, Complete Set
Schedule:Alpha Omega Publications History and Geography for Grade 12 - Government and Economics
We recommend reading: Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? before starting the Economics Lifepac.

Regarding making book schedules, see also: How To Make Lesson Plans for Homeschool

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