12-16 Help Links

The best way to get a feel for how 12-16 works is to try it. Worksheet 1 contains sample grades that you can tinker with. Remove sample data before using the grader for your co-op class.

The HELP pages are linked on the right, in the 4th row above, and below.

Worksheets 1-12 - Where Not to Type -- If you are familiar with spreadsheets that contain functions, then you know that deleting the functions breaks the spreadsheet. See This Page to see where not to type on worksheets 1-12.

Grade Blocks -- An image showing what can be changed in the grade blocks.

Quarterly and Semester Optional Fields -- Two images showing where to add the weight and the score for the quarterly optional fields.

"The Tabs Have Disappeared" or "The Tabs Do Not Show" -- This is such a surprise when it first happens. The tabs can become invisible if the file is minimized in Excel. The solution is simple- Maximize the file.


If you do not see the Tabs, then Maximize the file window.
Keyboard shortcut to maximize file- Ctrl F10

Printing Hard Copies - Check Print Preview First

printWorksheets 1-12 and Lab WU are formatted for printing.

Worksheets 1-12 should print on two sheets of paper with each page printing one complete semester.

The Lab WU Grader should print on one sheet of paper.

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