About The +Apologia Science Resources

Schedules for Apologia's Science Books -  Both co-op and individual schedulesHere at donnayoung.org you will find lesson plans for some of the courses that are published by Apologia Educational Ministries.

We used the original four books (first edition) Exploring Creation With General Science, Exploring Creation With Physical Science, Exploring Creation With Biology, and Exploring Creation With Chemistry. My children enjoyed the books and that is why this part of my web site exists and that is why I have posted my lesson plans. I do not have a lesson plan for every book or edition. If I do not have what you need, look at the co-op page. A co-op schedule could serve as a basis for a class schedule.

faqsSubscription Information:

  • The Co-op schedules do not require a subscription.
  • The Apologia Files made by Donna Young are included with Basic and YoungMinds.
  • Lab WU requires an active subscription to YoungMinds.

faqsTwo Common FAQ's that I receive once someone looks here and does not find the desired schedule:
1. Do you have "said" schedule? If I do not have it I will answer, "No, but have you looked at the co-op schedules?"
2. Do you know where I can find "said" schedule? I will reply no to this question because I do not know.

Schedules for Apologia's Science Books -  Both co-op and individual schedulesApologia Science Co-op Schedules: Several homeschoolers have generously donated their co-op schedules to be used by other homeschoolers at their science co-ops.

+Elementary Series

The books in the elementary series, named the "The Young Explorer Series," are written by Jeannie Fulbright. The books are for children who are ages of six through twelve. I do not have schedules for those books and I explain why at Elementary Series. I have planners for the books at TOC Planners. I've made a Toc Planner for each of the six books (as of autumn 2010).
Co-op Bookmarks:
Exploring Creation with Botany (two different schedules)
Exploring Creation with Botany Study Guides
Exploring Creation with Botany "What Do You Remember"
Exploring Creation with Zoology

+Exploring Creation with General Scienceskeleton

I've made a lot of resources for this book and I have written about it as well. Others have donated resources. The first page is the "General Science Home Page" and the rest of the pages are linked below.
1st Edition Schedule for Exploring Creation with General Science
2nd Edition Planner for Exploring Creation with General Science
Lab Book, Lab Sheets, and Grading for Exploring Creation with General Science
Worksheets and Study Aids for Exploring Creation with General Science
My Comments about using Exploring Creation with General Science
and lastly the Co-op Bookmark for this book: General Science Co-op Schedules

+Exploring Creation with Physical Scienceegg experiment

Exploring Creation with Physical Science was the first book that we used. We really enjoyed both the book and the experiments. I think our enjoyment shows in my first edition original schedule. My other schedules are more refined I suppose. Below are the links to my resources for Exploring Creation with Physical Science.
Exploring Creation With Physical Science - Home Page
Exploring Creation With Physical Science - Lab Sheets
Exploring Creation With Physical Science Schedules
Exploring Creation with Physical Science Ex. 3.2
Exploring Creation with Physical Science Ex. 9.1
Co-op Bookmark for Exploring Creation with Physical Science

+Exploring Creation with Biology

Exploring Creation with Biology has so much vocabulary that I was inspired to make vocabulary bookmarks to be used as a study aid by my children. I put the bookmarks online and they became widely used by other homeschooled students. I was very busy during the year that we used this book and the years beyond, and as a result, I do not have many resources for this book, but I do have the important ones, the bookmarks and a schedule or two.
Resources for Apologia's Exploring Creation With Biology
Lab Forms for Exploring Creation With Biology
Co-op Schedules

I have a link named More Biology in the menu. There are a few resources on that page for these two books: "The Human Body: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made!" and "Marine Biology." What I have on those pages is all that I have other than co-op schedules.
There is a co-op schedule for both "The Human Body: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made!" and "Marine Biology."

+Exploring Creation with Chemistry

I was incredibly busy both times that we used the chemistry book. I made a basic checklist instead of a schedule and I made bookmarks.
Resources for: Apologia's Exploring Creation With Chemistry
Please check the co-op page for schedules for the second edition book.

Lab Resources

In this part of my website, Apologia Science Resources, each book other than chemistry has its own set of lab forms. I will link them below.
Lab Sheets for Exploring Creation with General Science
Lab Sheets for Exploring Creation With Physical Science
Lab Forms for Exploring Creation With Biology

12-1612-16 Lab WU - a Spreadsheet

12-16 Lab Wu is a flexibleDonna Young's XLS Lab WUXLS grade keeper that includes a version of my composition grader, Lab WU [Lab Write-Up]. 12-16 is designed for co-op lab science classes that have 12 students or less and are using a plan based on 16 sections of work, such as 16 chapters, or in the case of Apologia science, 16 modules. 12-16 averages grades in quarters and semesters and yields a final grade for the year.

Lab WU requires an active YoungMinds subscription.

My basic Lab Sheets

recatangular graph

Note: If possible, use a sewn composition books instead of the printable forms.

My Work/My Files: Derivative Work

You must obtain my permission before creating derivative work from my files in the apologia section if you intend to share the derivative work with others who are not your students.

Special Permission

Curriculum Fair Class Instructors: You have my permission to distribute free printed copies of the schedules that say by Donna Young as long my copyright and/or author information remains visible on the schedules.

Please note that I am not employed by Apologia Educational Ministries. I do not have information about becoming a vendor.

Welcome to DonnaYoung.org!

shapes and colors
Shapes and Colors

Donna Young

Light Blue Calendars

You are at DonnaYoung.org, online since 1998. Thank you for visiting my website. Donna Young

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