Updates to DonnaYoung.org: April – August 2012
This update was published to the yahoo group and is published online at: https://donnayoung.org/new/update-2012-08.htm
Math > Math Practice
Math Practice
A new page with several math practice problem sets. Currently addition problems and a few subtraction problems. Each problem set has 10 problems and among the 8 printable files are 56 problems sets.
In Homeschool Planner > Administrative > Grades and Attendance > G&A II
G&A II – A Completely New Grades and Attendance XLS Grader
A Completely New, Remade from the ground up Grades and Attendance XLS file! Supports up to 40 classes! Uses Course Types! Made for one student in grades up to 8th grade.
In Homeschool Planner > Administrative > Grades and Attendance
All Files – DY’s Grades and Attendance – This page puts all of my G&A files in a table so that you can more easily compare the features of each one.
In Homeschool Planner > Administrative > Attendance
The 3-page attendance calendar that matches the Colonial Planner now, in
addition to June and July, starts in the month of August.
In Homeschool Planner > High School > High School Forms (and Sets > Garamond)
I have added the form that I call “The List Planner” to the Garamond Planner in both PDF and DOC formats to the high school planner page and to the Garamond planner page, (and also the course of study page.)
In Science > Apologia > Co-op & More Biology
Lesson Plans for the two books (published by Apologia): The Human Body and Advanced Chemistry [2nd Ed.] are online. The lesson plans were made by Pam Cavitt. Thank you Pam! Plans may be downloaded from Advanced Chemistry and The
Human Body. The plans are in the formats: PDF, XLS, XLSX.
https://donnayoung.org/apologia/schedule.htm#adv-chem Advanced Chemistry
https://donnayoung.org/apologia/biology2.htm The Human Body
Planning Pages and TOC for The Human Body
Shortly after adding Pam’s lesson plans for The Human Body, I added planning pages and a table of contents (TOC) for The Human Body. The TOC might be useful for those using the full course CD-ROM rather than the book.
https://donnayoung.org/apologia/biology2.htm The Human Body
In Handwriting > Cursive
Cursive Handwriting Warm-up
Three cursive handwriting warm-up printable files, each one has two sections. They are not meant to “go with” any particular cursive style, they are just warm-ups. The warm-ups are also linked at Cursive and Cursive Z.
In Handwriting > By Style
Italic Handwriting Practice
This page has two sets sorted by rule height- 1/2 inch and 3/8 inch. Layout: There are two lessons on each printable worksheet. Each lesson in Set One, the 1/2 inch rule height set, involves both tracing and writing using a
starting dot for each letter. Set Two, the 3/8 inch height rule set does not have a starting dot for the “write-your-own” parts of the lessons.
In English > Forms
Language Arts Forms – This page brings together forms that can be used for
language arts. The two that I used the most are listed first. The first one, a planner, can be for any subject that has three divisions. I made it for my children’s high school English classes because the bulk of the plans for each day were in three parts –…
Section Indexes
I’m always trying to think of ways to make it easier to find the resources at donnayoung.org. To that end, I have added a section index for some of the sections and I’ve updated the old section indexes.
Homeschool Planner Index
The V Planner index is added to the right column on the Homeschool Planner Index as well as the right column on all V Planner help pages.
Art Index
English Index
All Calendars Index – All pages that have dated files
Site CD
The Site CD, YoungMinds is 20% off during August. This particular version of my CD is a complete make-over of YoungMinds. The CD now looks similar to donnayoung.org, with the same style of menus, which should make it easier to navigate. When making this new version of the CD, I remade most of my oldest files and added many new files. The CD includes the V Planners and access to future V Planners.
I think that is all; Thank you for reading.
Happy Homeschooling,
Donna Young
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