The Art Index

The Art Homepage

  1. Homeschool Art Topics by Grade
    1. Kindergarten Art for Homeschoolers
      1. Color Names
      2. Kindergarten Art: Coloring Shapes
    2. 1st Grade Art for Homeschoolers
  2. Learning About Color
    1. Exploring Color Theory
      1. Vincent van Gogh - Noon: Rest From Work
      2. Vincent van Gogh - Trees with ivy in the asylum garden
      3. Edward Hopper - Compartment C, Car 293
    2. Color Theory Assignment Suggestions
    3. Color Study Printables and Color Wheels
      1. How to Use the Comparison Boxes for Color Theory
      2. How to use the Scale Chart I for Color Mixing and Color Theory
    4. Coloring - Regular and Complex
  3. Comic Strip Printables
  4. Teaching Drawing in Homeschool -
    1. About Drawing Ia
      1. Drawing Ia
      2. Drawing Ia for Younger Children
      3. Drawing Ia—Evaluation Samples
    2. Art: Sighting with a Viewfinder and Sighting Sticks
    3. Drawing in Perspective
      1. Lifepacs Elective Art Unit 4 - Lesson Plans - AOP Electives Art
      2. Linear Perspective Models Using the DML
      3. One-Point Perspective Grid
    4. Shading in Drawings
      1. Shading Drills
      2. Shading Assignments
      3. Shading Scale Exercise Example
    5. A High School Drawing Class
      1. Week One - Disciplined Doodle Art
      2. Weeks 7-8 - A Quarterly Assessment Assignment
    6. Drawing Assignment Themes
      1. Themes- Drawing Assignment: Fantasy Animal
      2. Themes- Drawing Assignment: Draw an Insect
      3. Themes- Drawing Assignment: Stories - Illustrate a story
    7. Custom Drawing Assignments - Draw This, Please
  5. Story Paper
    1. Bordered Story Paper
    2. Decorated Story Paper
  6. Art Curriculum and Materials
    1. About AOP LifePac Electives Art
      1. About The Weeks - Each week is an overview of our classes while using the first two books from AOP Electives Art
      2. Week 1
      3. Week 2
      4. Week 3
      5. Week 4
      6. Week 5
      7. Week 6
      8. Week 7
      9. Weeks 8-9
      10. AOP Lifepac Art Unit I Lesson Plans - AOP Electives Art Lesson Plans
      11. Lifepacs Elective Art Unit 4 - Lesson Plans - AOP Electives Art - Lesson Plans
      12. Planning Guide- AOP LifePac Electives Art - Unit 7 Comics - AOP Electives Art Lesson Plan Guide
    2. Drawing With Children Overview and Lesson Plans - My effort to explain the purposes behind each of the chapters so that you can better plan the classes.
      1. Drawing With Children, Lesson 1, Overview
      2. Drawing With Children, Lesson 1, planning guide
      3. Drawing With Children, Lesson 2, Overview
      4. Drawing With Children, Lesson 2, planning guide
      5. Drawing With Children, Lesson 3, overview and planning guide
  7. Art Supplies
  8. Crafts
    1. Mother's Day Rose Card
    2. Hand Trace - Macaroni Turkey
    3. Homemade Paper Gift Bag
    4. Folded Star
    5. Snowman Picture
    6. How to Make a Snowflake
    7. Christmas Gift Tags to Decorate- Tags for gifts, Christmas or Otherwise
    8. Calendar Frame
    9. Cube Templates
      1. Cube Templates - Working with the Images
      2. Cube Templates - How To Fold the Cube
    10. Styrofoam Balls and Buttons Ornament
    11. Beaded Icicle Ornaments
    12. Bear-in-a-Bag Christmas Ornament
    13. Lollipop Tree Ornaments
    14. Pipe-Cleaner Candy Canes Ornament
    15. Sock Doll: Bunny
  9. Finger Paint and Play Dough
Donna Young

1/2 sized ruled weekly household planner

Make a Snowflake

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