Because I am a rookie leek grower and I do not know any better, I have shifted the trench walls over against the plants further burying (blanching) them. Maybe it […]
Rooting Sweet Potatoes II
This is an update from “Rooting Sweet Potatoes” [tagged Sweet Potatoes]. The sweet potato sprouts and the cut sweet potatoes have been in water for six days. Since then, I […]
Rooting Sweet Potatoes
Two years ago I planted 9 sweet potato plants in an 8×9 foot bed. Eight plants flourished and yielded 52 pounds of sweet potatoes. I commented that was 52 pounds […]
Garden Mulch for the Leeks
I gathered the mulch from the woods to place around the leek plants and over the entire bed, including the trench walls. Below is a close up picture of the […]
Preparing the Leek Bed and Planting
Spontaneously and without a plan, rather like the way I bought leeks to plant, I decided to plant the leeks in this spot. This spot gets a little evening shade […]
I have never grown leeks before, but this year I will. Leek is in the Alliaceae. Other plants in that family are onions and garlic. Unlike the bulb that onion and garlic produces, the lower part of the leek is a tight bundle of leaves. The lower part is usually blanched in the garden by …
Main Garden
I named this entry Main Garden as if I had many gardens and I do not. I only hope to have many gardens and if I did, this one would […]