Custom Theme Drawing Assignments

Custom Drawing Assignments - Draw This, PleaseWith the same idea behind the Themes drawing assignments, I present "Draw This, Please" custom theme drawing assignment maker thingy. On this page you will find several background templates, there is even a blank one. Using the form fields listed with each template, you can enter a drawing assignment for the template and the assignment will be printed to the template.

The Templates are Images: The template that you receive is an image and it might be printable "as is" or you might have to save it to your hard-drive and print the template from there. Not all browsers will print images well, and none of them treat images like a pdf file or a word document. When a browser sends the image to your printer, it might send it as a reduced image which causes it print too small, alternately, it might print too big, or, worse case, it might not print at all.

Video Custom Drawing Assignments - Draw This, PleaseI recommend making several drawing assignments, saving them to a certain folder on your hard-drive, and then placing all of them in a word document that I am providing (linked below) and printing the assignments from word.

The Recommended Steps are listed at the bottom of this page, and I also made a video showing the recommended steps for handling the drawing assignments. The video is around 33MB. If your screen is small, be sure to watch the video at full size for best results.

doc filesThe Word Document: Choose a format: DOCX, DOC, RTF

Print on paper that can handle the *medium that you child likes to use.
*Medium: markers, pencil, ink, etcetera

Example File: doc filesDoc file with several Drawing Assignment images inserted
Note: The example file is a doc file; however, the assignments created with the forms are images.

More Than One

Each drawing assignment form is set to open in a new and different tab or window. I designed the forms to not open in this page so that:

  1. You can work on all or any number of drawing assignments at once.
  2. This page doesn't "refresh" and so your work is not lost.
  3. You can go to the drawing assignment page, which is different from this page, view it, and return to this page to make any edits.

The Templates

If you have not done so, please read the Recommended Steps that is at the bottom of this page.


Fields accept only 96 letters and spaces each. Be concise.

Plain Frame

Fields accept only 96 letters and spaces each. Be concise.


Fields accept only 96 letters and spaces each. Be concise.

Diagonal Frame

Fields accept only 96 letters and spaces each. Be concise.


Fields accept only 96 letters and spaces each. Be concise.


Fields accept only 96 letters and spaces each. Be concise.


Fields accept only 96 letters and spaces each. Be concise.


Fields accept only 96 letters and spaces each. Be concise.

Crooked Cue

Fields accept only 96 letters and spaces each. Be concise.

Recommended Steps

Video Custom Drawing Assignments - Draw This, PleaseThe steps below assume that you have a word processor that will open one of the Word Documents that are linked above.

  1. Try creating at least one drawing assignment to see if this is something that you want to do. - If No, stop; if Yes, continue with step 2.
  2. Make a folder on your computer and name it. For reference, you will save the drawing assignment images in this folder.
  3. Save one of the word documents (linked above) to the folder that you made in step two.
  4. Go to the Templates and start making drawing assignments.
  5. Go to the generated drawing assignment pages, one by one, look at it and if it needs no edits, save it to the folder that you made in step 2, otherwise, edit it, and when it is as it should be, save it in the folder.
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until you are finished.
  7. On your computer, go to the folder that holds the saved drawing assignments and the word document.
  8. Open the word document
  9. Go to "Insert > Picture" in the file menu. ( You want to insert the drawing assignment images. )
  10. Navigate to the folder with the saved images.
  11. Select all of them or just the ones that you want.
  12. Click "Insert" (or OK, or go)
  13. View the images in the word document.
  14. If everything is satisfactory, print.

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Blog - About the Generators for a Customized Printable

Donna Young, September 27, 2013

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Donna Young

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