Donna Young's Cursive Handwriting Worksheets

In the cursive handwriting area, I have several small handwriting lesson sets; two are pictured below: Big Cursive and Cursive Lessons

"Big" Cursive Handwriting Lessons

donna young's cursive handwritingI made the Big Cursive handwriting worksheets with a font called schoolscriptdashed in my word processor. The worksheets were easy to make because the handwriting font has built in ruled lines. You can download the font [schoolscriptdashed] and make handwriting worksheets for your children.

There is more information about using [schoolscriptdashed] for making lessons at: Make Handwriting Lessons

Worksheets using schoolscriptfont
Big Cursive
Cursive Words [the complete set at the top of the page]


Regular Cursive Handwriting Lessons - "Cursive Z"

donna young's cursive handwritingThe "regular" Cursive Lessons were harder to make. I made most of them with a font called Learning Curve. You can download it here: This font has the appearance of the classic penmanship style, but, if you use it in a word processor, you will notice that the letters do not connect in the way they do in my handwriting lessons. I made "regular" Cursive Lessons in a drawing program using layers. Each letter was placed, corrected some way, trimmed or lengthened and connected by hand (mouse) . That is why future lessons with the Learning Curve font are slow to appear; they simply take more time to make than the other cursive handwriting lessons.

Worksheets using Learning Curve are at:
Cursive Handwriting Worksheets
Cursive Capitals
Cursive Words [the unfinished set at the bottom of the page]
Cursive Animations [not worksheets, but useful to watch]

I uploaded some of my Cursive Animations for online viewing. All of my cursive animations are on the Site-CD, YoungMinds. The animations are time savers.

Cursive Handwriting Warm-Up

cursive warmupThere are 3 warm-up printables, each one has two sections. They are not meant to "go with" any particular cursive style, they are just warm-ups. One | Two | Three
Note, One and Two are the same except that sheet two has more "try on your own" space.

Regular Cursive Handwriting Lessons -"Cursive D"

cursive everOver time I have been adding more worksheets in Cursive handwriting. Some are brand new and some were on my CD-Rom, YoungMinds. Cursive D, for instance, used to be only on my site-cd, but in 2009, I uploaded it to Just to be nice, I included the cursive word animations that go with a few of the Cursive-D worksheets.

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May 13, 2021

gooseCursive-D is a little different from my other sets in that I have the student explore some of the more tedious letter combinations. For instance, in the word goose, pictured on the right, the two "o's" are slightly different, one is looped and one is not.

Ongoing Work In Cursive Handwriting

cursive wordsI have my entire website to work on, so all of my ongoing work seems slow in coming, but I try. There is only one of me and I am the only one who works on

There are two ongoing projects that I work on for Cursive Handwriting and those two projects are:

1. Completing the set in: Practice Writing Words in Cursive Handwriting
2. Adding more worksheets to: Donna Young's Cursive Handwriting Practice.

If it is of any consequence, both of the projects complement each other. I am using the same worksheet background and the same font group, although there might be minor differences in some of the letters.

The work is also slow going because this particular set is time consuming. Each letter in the font group has to be placed and connected manually in a paint program. I cannot type it all out and be done with it.

Page updated: July 16, 2011, Donna Young

See Also

ZB Cursive
ZB Cursive is a new set as of 2011. Currently it is a small set with 52 lessons. The handwriting style used in the ZB Sets resemble Zaner-Bloser.

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