Personal Calendars

Personal calendars can be used to record information such as health issues, appointments, activities, birthdays, etc... and now for my oddest personal calendar, which is a bit more like a one-liner journal. The Fragmentary Account by yours truly- Donna Young.

Donna Young

Fragmentary Account

fragmentary accountA Fragmentary Account of [Year] is a 12 page calendar that is ruled and each line begins with a date. On the line you should write something in short about the day.

Keep track of things such as
The Weather
Garden Events
How you feel that day
What you ate that day
What you read that day
What you cooked that day

Instructions: Print on nice quality paper and use it daily.
A Fragmentary Account uses 6 sheets of paper if pages are printed on both sides, or 12 sheets if the back is left blank. Or 12 if one side is A Fragmentary Account and the other side is a matching ruled paper. The matching ruled paper is described below.

A Fragmentary Account is new and when available on the Site-CD , it will have the years Current through 2025 on YoungMinds CD-ROM. This calendar is a new item as of January 2010. Donna Young, January 2010

printFiles for A Fragmentary Account

Choose a Year: 2023 | 2024 | 2025

printOptional Ruled Paper for A Fragmentary Account

accountI made Ruled Backs with a few Header Choices for A Fragmentary Account. If you believe that you will have more to say about a day or a few days and many of us do, then choose one of the backs to print on the back of the Fragmentary Account pages. Additionally, you may print any of these ruled files back to back to use as filler for your Fragmentary Account "Diary". There are six choices based on the Header.

1. A Broad Account
2. An Explicit Account
3. An Unambiguous Account
4. An Unequivocal Account
5. An Addendum to A Fragmentary Account
6. An Addendum to A Fragmentary Account - with flourish at bottom of page

Dated Rule

Dated Rule is a calendar much like the Fragmentary Account calendar that is shown at the top of this page but, it is different in a couple of ways. This calendar, Dated Rule, features one month per page and the Mondays are highlighted with bold text. At this time, I do not have a screenshot of the calendar. For now, this file will be manually updated for the current year as per other calendars that are not yet automated. The files are linked below.

Dated Rule 2024
Dated Rule 2025

See Also These Calendars and Journals

Other calendar styles and journals at can be used as a personal journal. I'm going to list some below.

Donna Young

Donna Young's Calendars

Blank Comic Strips - Draw Your Own Comic Strips!

You are at, online since 1998. Thank you for visiting my website. Donna Young

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