Yellow Line

Yellow line paper features a solid yellow lower rule. The yellow prints as bright yellow and I test printed every file. The rule outlines are cyan, a blue-green color.

If you are looking for my lighter yellow handwriting ruled printable paper see Color - Yellow Stripe

The files are organized by orientation, rule height, and amount of ruled lines.

  1. Choose the orientation, landscape or portrait,
  2. Choose fully ruled or blank top
  3. Choose the rule height. The sizes listed are approximate.

Links on this page: Landscape - Fully Ruled | Landscape - Blank Top | Portrait - Fully Ruled | Portrait - Blank Top | Using Story Paper | Link to This Page

The Printable Handwriting paper Files

Landscape - Fully Ruled

The rule height is listed from largest to smallest. If you do not know which one to print, measure either your child's current handwriting paper or measure the child's typical letter height and then choose the one that is closest in height.

Yellow Stripe - Landscape - Fully Ruled

1" Fully Ruled
7/8" Fully Ruled
3/4" Fully Ruled
11/16" Fully Ruled
5/8" Fully Ruled
1/2" Fully Ruled
3/8" Fully Ruled

Landscape - Blank Top

Blank top paper, sometimes called "story paper" is used for several things. The rule height is listed from largest to smallest.

Yellow Stripe - Landscape - Fully Ruled

1" Blank Top
7/8" Blank Top
3/4" Blank Top
11/16" Blank Top
5/8" Blank Top
1/2" Blank Top
3/8" Blank Top

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I am currently working on this website to add to its ginormousness. Thank you for visiting, and please subscribe yearly to access my many printable files! Donna Young
May 13, 2021

Portrait - Fully Ruled

The rule height is listed from largest to smallest. If you do not know which one to print, measure either your child's current handwriting paper or measure the child's typical letter height and then choose the one that is closest in height.

Yellow Stripe - Landscape - Fully Ruled

5/8" Fully Ruled
1/2" Fully Ruled
3/8" Fully Ruled
1/4" Fully Ruled
1/4 Tall Fully Ruled
5/32" Fully Ruled
5/32 Tall Fully Ruled

Portrait - Blank Top

The rule height is listed from largest to smallest. If you do not know which one to print, measure either your child's current handwriting paper or measure the child's typical letter height and then choose the one that is closest in height.

Yellow Stripe - Landscape - Fully Ruled

5/8" Blank Top
1/2" Blank Top
3/8" Blank Top
1/4" Blank Top
1/4 Tall Blank Top
5/32" Blank Top
5/32 Tall Blank Top

Using Blank Top "Story Paper"

There are many uses for blank top paper, below is a short list to get you started.

arrow Draw a picture of something, such as a dog, and write dog several times or a sentence about the dog.
arrow Draw a picture of your house and write your address.
arrow Draw a picture of yourself or family members and write their names or write a short story or a little bit about the person.
arrow Draw a picture of a telephone and write your phone numbers.

See my other story paper at: Blank Top Handwriting Paper | Blank Top Notebook Filler Paper | Story Paper | Decorated Story Paper | Bordered Story Paper

Donna Young

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Ruled Calendars

Planning Guide for AOP Art Electives, Unit 7 Comics

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