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The cards on this page are very basic. The addition facts do not include zero's. If you must have zero's print a blank card set.
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Porcupine Balls[ground beef]
Jensen's Format Writing
Drawing & Sighting- How To Make a Viewfinder
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Unlock A Cell Sometimes I forget to unlock the cells into which I have placed drop down lists. My most recent embarrassment is in V3 where I didn't unlock any of the Master/Override list cells. 4/28/2013
In the section Handwriting > By Styles there are 52 new cursive handwriting lessons in a style similar to Zaner-Bloser.
YoungMinds Subscribers - Another new thing in spelling - spelling word lists from McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book, 1879. Log-in and go to-
Handwriting Lessons
You are at, online since 1998. Thank you for visiting my website. Donna Young
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