Practice Writing the Letter k
If you are new to these worksheets, go to ZB Manuscript to read about the handwriting lessons.
Page Links
Hand Drawn Animations of Writing the Manuscript K
The animations are un-intimidating and hand-drawn. Both uppercase and lowercase "K" are drawn with two pencil lifts.
Click on these links to access the animations:
Lowercase k | Uppercase K
Handwriting Worksheets
Instructions, click on the link to open the file and print. The files are PDF.
Lowercase Manuscript K
Dotted, Boxes, Arrows
Tracing-Without Arrows
Practice-Dotted, Arrows
Practice-Without Arrows
Practice-Hollow, Arrows
Practice-Without Arrows
Uppercase Manuscript K
The Rest of the Worksheets use the Hollow Letters
More Letter K Practice, 2 Files
Some Tracing: Lesson 1: Uppercase K, Lesson 2: Lowercase k
Write the letter k on your own on. Uppercase and lowercase
Manuscript K, Mixed Case Practice, 2 Files

Hollow-Practice mix

Hollow-Practice mix
Write Words that Start with the Letter K, 3 Files
List of Words Used in Worksheets: keep, kale, kick, kin, knee, keel, kid, kink, knit, keen, kill, kit, knob, keg, king, know, kelp, ken, kiln, kiss, kudos, key, kilt, kind, kite.
The files are linked in the sentence above and the images below.
Some of the words might be new to your child and for that reason, and for your convenience, below is a list of some of the words with short definitions.
kale - cabbage with spreading, curled leaves
keel - center piece along the bottom of a ship
keen - 1. sharp, 2. piercing, 3. perceptive; acute, 4. eager, 5. intense
keg - small barrel
ken - range of knowledge
kelp - brown seaweed
kilt - skirt worn by men of the Scottish Highlands
kink - curl or twist
kudos - credit for achievement
Printable Handwriting Paper that Coordinates with The Handwriting Lessons
For more choices in handwriting paper see: Printable Handwriting Paper
For smaller rule see the bottom of the ZB Animations Home Page: Donna Young's Manuscript Handwriting Animations

Blank Top

Two Lessons
February 5, 2011
Donna Young